
Uplifting Businesses - Fostering Growth - Strengthening Our Neighborhood Fabric

Join us for an extraordinary day of discovery and celebration as Xtratight Entertainment proudly present the first edition of GoLocal.sx – an exclusive gathering dedicated to unveiling the island’s innovators and local entrepreneurs. This event is a vibrant tapestry of innovation, creativity, and community spirit, designed to spotlight emerging enterprises that are poised to become the pride of our locality.

Register today by filling out the form below!

GoLocal.sx Guidelines

  1. All products must be properly packaged, sealed, and labeled with clear and accurate information, including product name, ingredients, allergens, nutritional information, and any required certifications (e.g., organic, gluten-free).
  2. Products must be of high quality, free from spoilage, contamination, and defects.
  3. No cooking, heating, or food preparation is allowed on-site to maintain a clean and controlled environment.
  4. Vendors should present their products in an organized, visually appealing manner to attract customers.
  5. Vendors should be knowledgeable about their products, including ingredients, sourcing, and any relevant dietary or nutritional information.
  6. Vendors should be courteous and helpful when assisting customers, providing information about the products and addressing any queries.

NOTE: This registration does not secure you a spot at GoLocal.sx. Each business will be screened via an internal evaluation process in order to determine if the business meets the criteria to participate. Xtratight Entertainment reserves the rights to deny any registration that does not meet the criteria or guidelines of GoLocal.sx.